Lecture and Explanation
Mode of Urbanisation in India
Key Words: Mode of Urbanisation, Urbanisation in India, Meaning of Urbanisation in India, Sociology for BA LLB
The Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, B.A. LL.B, Sociology - II (Legal System and Society), Paper Code: L 2002
Dear students, this is a slightly modified version of the PowerPoint Presentation which is used during the lecture. This modified version of the PPT is not a substitute for the lecture. The lecture was delivered comprehensively. This page will be updated to the full lecture later on.
Mode of Urbanisation in India
Meaning and Definition of Urbanization
The Census of India defines Urban areas as consisting of:
(1) At least 5,000 inhabitants with a density of 400 people Per Square Kilometer or more, and
(2) At least 75% of the male working population engages in non-farm/ agricultural activities.
This definition was framed in 1961 by then Census Commission Ashok Mitra.
NOTE: This definition only recognises male workers, not female workers, which is not acceptable these days. Evan this was not acceptable on those days. However, this is only an indication of the mentality towards female workers.
According to the Census of India 2011
Population living in Urban Area: 31%
Area Governed by Local Urban Bodies: 26%
Currently, the Tentatively population living in Urban Areas: is 47%
Process and Social Impact of Urbanization in India
Urban areas are not only known for their large dense populations.
The Urban settlements and Urbanization are also known for their social, economic, and political indicators, like economic prosperity, political system, political stability, technology, mode of production, scale of production, social relations, “division of labour and solidarity”, changing behavioural patterns, interpersonal relationship, and subjects like these.
Urbanization is also an indicator of a suitable environment, climate, and technology where a large and complex human settlement can exist.
Note: The Judiciary is part of the social and political system.
Primary Causes of Urbanization
The primary causes of urbanization are favourable climate environments and technology. This promotes agriculture and settlement, which is the primary reason for urbanization.
Secondary or modern Causes of Urbanization
Administrative Capital (District, State, Union Govt.)
Trade and Commerce
Manufacturing Hub
Mining / Natural Resources
Educational Centre
Impact of Westernization
Result of Urbanization
Urbanization Bringing Social Change, because it changes
Social Behaviour
Social Order
Opening New Social Order (Based on Achievements)
Opening New Opportunities (Social & Market Needs)
Social Mobility
Moving from Scribed to Achieved Status
From Static to Dynamic Society
Promoting Open Society
Open Society Further Promotes Social Mobility
Thus both Social Mobility and Open Society promote each other.
Urbanization Promotes Westernization and Modernization
Result of Urbanization
Rise of Nuclear Family
Thus children have less social and natural growth
Crèche is not the substitute for mother and family care
Increasing the Division of Labour and Labourers
At the level of the Pathetic Division of Labour
(Theory is Given by Emiale Durkheim, 1858 - 1917)
Society Loses their Tradition and Traditional Values
Changing Mode of Production
Rising Capitalist Mode of Production
Mainly Emphasized by Karl Marx (1818 - 1883)
Effect of Urbanization on the Caste System
Dilutes Verna and Caste System Linked with Occupation
Diluting Practice of Untouchability
Reduce Caste Rigidity
Promote Inter-Caste Marriage
De-link Relation Between Caste and Occupation
Because Urbanization promotes Professionalism
In the modern era, everyone is free to adopt and practice any profession, and all profession is the Subject Matter of the Market. Now profession is no longer linked with social identity.
Problem Caused by Urbanization
Increasing Impersonal Relationship
Meaning of Impersonal Relationship
Meaning of Impersonal Relationship
An impersonal relationship is formed with another person to satisfy a need or goal.
Having no personality; devoid of human character or traits: an impersonal deity.
Lacking human emotion or warmth: an impersonal manner.
It is not personal and is someone or something that doesn't have a connection to any person or does not show emotions.
Usually having no friendly human feelings or atmosphere.
Problem Caused by Urbanization
Under Increased Impersonal Relationship
People lose natural relationships with fellow citizens
Excess Impersonal Relationship Increases Mental Illness
People become more and more mechanical
More Impersonal Relationship causes more legal and formal relationships rather a personal and emotional ones.
Slums and the Urban Area
Sluma is considered a by-product of urbanisation in India, however, the main reason behind this is the negligence of the socially and economically deprived communities. For the slum dwellers, “They Don’t Care About Us (1996).” It was written and sung by Michael Jackson (1958 - 2009).
“They Don’t Care About Us (1996)” by Michael Jackson (1958 - 2009) suits the problem of slum dwellers in India and elsewhere in the world.
Read more about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/They_Don't_Care_About_Us
Find the full lyrics here:
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