What is Sideloading Apps? Is Sideloading App Bad? Why Apple is Against It?

Sideloading of App Google Apple
Sideloading of App Google Apple

Apple CEO Tim Cook has said that they will not allow sideloading apps on the Apple Ecosystem. Tim Cook does not stop here but also mentioned that these days the user has many options available in the market. He also suggested that those who are not happy with Apple that they are not allowing the sideloading apps in the Apple Ecosystem can opt for Google's Android Phone. 

What is the Sideloading in Mobile? 

When the operating system is allowing the installation of apps in the mobile from other than their ecosystem, that is their official and or approved sources, then it is called the sideloading of apps. In simple words allowing download, install and run apps from other than their ecosystem is called sideloading of apps. For Googles Android, it is Google Play Store and for Apple, it is App Store. Therefore ability to download, install and run or use apps other than the Play Store and App Store is called sideloading apps. 

What is the Apple's Tim Cook Argument Against the Sideloading of Apps? 

Apple's CEO Tim Cook has argued that this will compromise the security of the Apple devices and the ecosystem. To justify his argument he gave one example that this is just like a "car without airbag and the seatbelt", he further has said that this is a car, this is a bike. 

If Apple allows the Sideloading of Apps then their phone will become venerable to attack with malicious software. Apple has said it would undermine the features that give user apps they download and would undermine iPhone on-device protection. This will also be a step backwards for user security and privacy. He compared this act as a "pocket PC" with the virus. Apple also said that all apps on the Apple App Store are scanned by their internal expert before available to the user. 

The Real Reason for, against the  Sideloading of Apps by the Apple

Google's Android phone is allowing the Sideloading of Apps and we can not say that the Android phone is less secure than the Apple. The latest study especially after Pegasus Attack shows that both Android and Apple have the same security level, both have the same kinds of security and the same kinds of venerability. 

Hence, the real reason that Apple is against Sideloading of Apps is they can lose some revenue, not because of the fake app rather because of the genuine apps. 

But why Opposing Sideloading of Apps by the Apple?

Because Apple is not allowing any kinds of payment systems there than their apps if their apps run in their own platform. For example, if the XYZ game app is paid game then the user can only pay from the in-app payment system. So the Apple can track the payment and can get the revenue share. Here in this case the user can not pay by visiting their website. Because of the payment made outside the apps then Apple will not get the revenue share. 

You can understand this in a very simple way. If you are downloading Game Apps r any Apps which is collecting the user fees then you can not make payment out of the App, and you can not download from their website. Because if you download from the website and make payment on the website then here Appl can not make any profit. 

In this situation the both App provider and the user have no option then to download the Game or any apps from the Appl's App Store make payment on the website. 

Therefore the real reason for opposing Sideloading of App by Apple / Tim Cook is not the security, but the revenue. 

Epic Game and Apple Payment Debate and Relation with Sideloading of Apps

Apple was forcing the Epic Game to make payments only through their apps, so Apple can make more profit. This is forcing the Epic Game to charge high to make a profit after sharing revenue to Apple, hence the user was suffering. This was a violation of the user right over their phone. 

The Epic Game and Apple dispute went to court where the Epic Game won over the dictatorship of Apple. 

You can find the dispute and judgement of the Epic Game and Apple here: 

Validity of Logic of Sideloading of Apps by the Apple 

There is no validity in Apple's logic because their policy believed that the user has no ming and they can not care for themselves. Also, this is violating the right of charity to provide free of cost apps or the cheapest apps. As of now, the Android Phone is given the right to install Sideloading Apps and we cannot say that they are always vulnerable. The use is caring about this. However, if Apple is so keen on security then why they are not making their operating capable which can detect the venerability of the Sideloading Apps? 

The most sophisticated logic against this is that think Apple is Launching the Car. Can Apple decide or can they make such software that prevents their use to go in the certain geographical region that they may not be safe for the car user? 

Can Apple prevent to go their use on an adventure that that is potentially venerable? Of can, Apple Car prevent journalists to go to cover the war situation because that can kill their user, a reporter? - the answer is no.

As we see above that the Apple is not allowing the Sideloading Apps just because of their ill-business model. The logic of Apple is not so valid. 

Now we can say this more confidently and legally because Apple has lost the legal battle from the Apic Game for the payment dispute. 

And similarly, the prevention of Sideloading Apps is a violation of the legal rights of owning the Apple device by the user. And it will not sustain in the court. Disallowing the Sideloading Apps is disowning the intellectualism of the user. This is mall practice in the business and unethically creating the money and non-trust in the market. The Government must come with laws to save from unethical practice and create mobility. 

Dr Anil Kumar 
Student of Life World
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