Assignment Even Semester 2020

If you have any problem regarding question/s please let me know on Skype ID of your class on Email

Write the answer on paper and send it in image or PDF format to my Email

Assignment for Sociological Thinkers II

Answer any one question

BA Hons, Sociological Thinkers II 

Q1: Write the importance of socialization and culture in the society.

Q2: What is general theory of action according to Talcott Parsons?

Q3: Write and essay on “the reality of everyday life”

Q4: Write the importance of face-to-face interaction in society according to Berger and Luckmann.

NOTE: If you have already write answer for previous question, then no need to answer for new questions.

All of you have to submit it by strictly before Sunday 2 PM

Assignment for Sociology of Health and Medicine

Only a few students have submitted the assignment for Sociology of Health and Medicine. if you have submitted, please ignore this. Submit it before Sunday 4 PM

Answer only one question out of three. 

The email address bar should be like this 

<BAH> <SHM> <Roll No> <Name> <Assigment> 

Ques. 1: Write an essay on pandemic in reference to the article by Veena Das. 

Ques. 2: Write an essay on a health facility in Indian and the impact of privatisation of health, in the reference of the article by Qadeer. 

Ques. 3.1: “Health is Wealth” write a short essay. 

Ques. 3.2: “Pandemic is impacting on mental health in India” write a short essay. 

Note: Question No. 3 has two parts 3.1 and 3.2 


Image Detail: Savitribai Phule in the Role of Teacher, Photographer Anil Kumar


Anil Kumar, PhD Student of Social Sciences 

Anil Kumar | Student of Life World 
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